The 8-WEEK
GRADUATION is here! You've made it!
Congratulations on completing the 8-Week MS Fitness Challenge.
With minimal equipment and only 12 exercises, you've made awesome progress in gaining strength and fighting your symptoms. Now the next steps are up to you . . .
You've earned this certificate, because you put in the effort!
Set A Clear Path Towards Recovering Your Strength & Improving Your Symptoms

For the last 8 weeks you have gotten a glimpse into what strength training with the Steady-pace® technique can do for your body. You have recorded and witnessed the first results. You now have proof that your strength can be progressively recovered and therefore so too your mobility & independence.
Now it is time to go beyond the 8-week Challenge. Don't lose the precious gains you've made so far. You cannot treat exercise as something you just do 'every now and then'. You need a solid roadmap in place if you believe your goals are truly worth achieving. Most people who try to exercise on their own and without proper guidance end up giving up at some point down the road. If your goal is to achieve more mobility and functionality in your life, then there is no better way to do that than performing the weekly exercise & stretch sessions at MS Workouts.
By consistently bringing your effort to each exercise class you will continue to get stronger and gain better control over your symptoms. You have achieved a lot during the last 8 weeks . . . so imagine where you'll be a year from now if you continue down the path you're on. There is no stopping you. It's time to take matters into your own hands - do something about your symptoms - take the fight to your muscles. Become a member of MS Workouts, and let today be the day you decided that improving your symptoms is worth spending a little time & effort on each week.



30% OFF
20% OFF
$29.95 /month
$89.85 /3months
$62.90 /3months
$359.40 /12months
$286.95 /12months
Equivalent to $20.97/month
Save $26.95
+ Free Green Theraband
Save $72.45
Use Discount Code: STRONG
Payments automatically renew after each payment cycle. Cancel anytime. If you live outside of the Continental United States there is a $15.00 international shipping fee to send your starter kit.
To use the code on the sign up page, click 'Have a coupon?' and type in the code STRONG. Click Apply. Then make sure the price changes to $62.90 before submitting your order.

SPECIAL GIFT: Challengers who become 3-Month members to MS Workouts will receive a FREE Green CLX Multi-Loop Theraband (in addition to the Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Theraband)!
Jacqueline has been rocking it with MS Workouts since April 2018!
"I have been a member with MS Workouts for over a year now and I have not looked back! It took me a bit to get dialed in mentally, but hearing Jeff video after video encourage me to give my best effort that I can that day grew on me. Today I am stronger both mentally and physically than ever before.
"I can walk better, my balance is improved and I rarely get spastic quadriceps :)
"One bonus side effect is that my arms are toned and I have pipes :-O haha
"The team at MS Workouts is fantastic. They respond very quickly to emails and offer helpful suggestions to help you with whatever concerns you may have. It doesn't ever feel like there are so many miles between us! The positive and encouraging environment is a blessing and I encourage anyone looking to be stronger than MS to join - you will not regret it!" - Jacqueline.

Your membership includes all of the following:
Just like the weekly classes during the 8-Week Challenge - these classes update weekly and target the entire body. The weekly-updated classes at MS Workouts are designed to provide a comprehensive approach towards improving your legs, core, upper body, grip strength, foot drop, coordination, balance, energy, and much more.

The full-body stretch routines at MS Workouts are weekly stretch sessions that target the entire body. We recommend stretching daily so as to add more flexibility, decrease tightness & spasticity, relieve pain, and increase blood flow to muscle tissue. Enjoy weekly stretch sessions that make stretching safe, fun, effective and relaxing.

In the Foot Drop Series, we focus on progressively overloading the muscles in your lower limbs through eversion, extension, and flexion of the ankle. Increasing the muscular strength of the muscles that contribute to foot drop can allow you to lift the foot higher and for longer so that you can walk more easily and safely.

Achieving more mobility is the #1 reason that our members join MS Workouts. In order to accommodate the full spectrum of MS, we offer two different series. The Mobility (lite) Series strengthens your lower body with entry-level exercises from a seated position. The Mobility Series has higher-level exercises that are performed from either floor, seated, or standing positions.

MS Workouts has created two series that focus exclusively on your core muscles. The Weak Core I Series strengthens your core using entry-level exercises from a seated position. The Weak Core II Series strengths your core using higher-level exercises that are performed from floor and seated positions.

Meet and talk with other MSers who are performing the same weekly exercises as yourself. Allow this wonderful online community to support, motivate, and inspire you to KEEP EXERCISING. The moderators of the MS Workouts team are happy to answer any questions you have about exercising as well, just ask!

The 8-Week MS Fitness Challenge is always available for members of MS Workouts to perform whenever they want. In addition, we're actively creating new and exclusive 8-12 week challenges that will focus on a single symptom, like foot drop (coming soon). Challenges are a new feature to MS Workouts and we are very excited!

Measuring Progress Has Never Been Easier
Quickly input your exercise results
Visually track your progress for each exercise
Automatically know which band to use for each exercise
Share your results with your medical practitioner
Accessible from any device with an internet connection
Included with membership at no additional cost

Use the coupon code STRONG to get 30% OFF the 3-month plan
$62.90 / 3months
To use the code on the sign up page, click 'Have a coupon?' and type in the code STRONG. Click Apply. Then make sure the price changes to $62.90 before submitting your order.

GETTING STARTED: When you become a member you can immediately begin exercising with the New Member Orientation while your Start-Up Kit is being mailed to you.
"I was so excited to realize I was not alone"
"I will never forget the date March 11th that is when I got the actual diagnosis and I thought life was over however I thank God for my husband and family and friends. It took me a few years to realize no diagnosis defined who I am however I was happy to learn that there are people like you guys that create the programs to help people like me to know that we do not have to allow this disease to take over our bodies in a negative way. I was so excited to realize I was not alone and that the instructor on these programs is so encouraging and I love the exercises it encourages me that I can still move and I could still do many things. Now there is such a drive to want to eat better I have so much to live for and I know now that I can encourage others." - Josephine

How do I know that MS Workouts
is the best for MS?
MS Workouts is an ONLINE strength training program designed for ALL spectrums of MS in ALL parts of the WORLD.
As someone who lives with MS and as a person who has helped thousands of MSers through strength training, I am extremely excited to bring this amazing online exercise service to the MS community.
I understand how difficult it can be to exercise with MS which is why we've created a simple approach to exercising - an approach that uses minimal equipment and requires a very small time commitment to get results. With MS Workouts, you have the power of my training experience in your hands.

How do I subscribe?Click on this link and provide your information: https://practical-fitness-online-ms.uscreen.io/users/sign_up
Should I ask my doctor before performing these exercises?Yes. We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
Can I get rid of my MS by exercising?No. Currently there is no cure for MS. But research does suggest that strength training can provide relief to many of your symptoms.
Will my MS symptoms improve after these workouts?MS is not a curable disease, yet. But everyone should exercise for a healthier life, and research does support added benefits to MS symptoms after exercising.
Can I customize my workouts?Not yet. We are currently working on making individual workouts available to you, as well as the ability to create and customize your own playlists.
Can I perform the workouts if I am in a wheelchair?Yes. We have an entire wheelchair series that focuses on upper body and core strengthening.
Can I execute all of the workouts?Yes. If there is a particular exercise that you cannot perform, then don't force yourself to perform it. We encourage everyone to try and challenge themselves, but don't force yourself into an unsafe or painful zone.
Are the exercises safe for me?Yes. They are low-impact and high-intensity exercises that keep your body and joints safe. But we still recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
Is this safe to do at my house alone?Yes, but we encourage you to take responsibility for your own safety in this regard. Discuss this with your doctor first.
How long are the exercise sessions?Each exercise session is 20-30 minutes long. There are generally 6-10 different exercises in each session, with rest periods in between.
How often should I exercise?We recommend you execute our videos two to threee times a week depending on how your body is feeling.
Are the exercises really hard?The exercises will range in difficulty based on your strength or weakness in areas of your body. For example, you may have atrophy in your calves, so calf raises might be very difficult to perform in the beginning. However, performing a bicep curl may be easier if your arms are stronger than your calves. Our exercises are designed to give you flexibility in difficulty. If you feel like challenging yourself to the max, then use a heavier band. If you want to take it easy and just get some exercise in, then use a band with less resistance.
Will there be a trainer watching me?No. There will not be a trainer able to watch you while you are exercising from home. This is an option that we may provide in the future.
What equipment do I need to perform the workout videos?You will need a CLX Theraband, which you can purchase at our webstore: www.msworkouts.com/store. One Free Yellow Theraband will be provided for free when you subscribe.
How do I purchase an exercise band?Step 1: Click on www.msworkouts.com/store. Step 2: Click on the exercise band you want. They are in order from heaviest to lightest resistance and are separated by wheelchair and standing series. Step 3: Click Purchase. Step 4: Enter your information. Step 5: Wait to receive your equipment in the mail.
When do I need to upgrade my exercise bands?You will need to upgrade your exercise bands whenever you get stronger and the exercises aren't challenging you. You should be able to exercise until the last 30 seconds of each set which is what we call the "exhaust range." If you cannot reach the very end of the exhaust range then you don't need to progress to a stronger band yet. If you can reach past the exhaust range then you should upgrade to a higher resistance band.
What is the Steady-Pace Technique?The Steady-Pace Technique is a unique way of exercising based on the principals of slow-motion strength training. It was developed by Practical Fitness Studios in Austin, TX and has been executed there thousands of times. Steady-Pace slows down your rep time thereby engaging your body and muscles at a much higher level than traditional methods.


30% OFF
20% OFF
$29.95 /month
$89.85 /3months
$62.90 /3months
$359.40 /12months
$286.95 /12months
Equivalent to $20.97/month
Save $26.95
+ Free Green Theraband
Save $72.45
Use Discount Code: STRONG
Payments automatically renew after each payment cycle. Cancel anytime. If you live outside of the Continental United States there is a $15.00 international shipping fee to send your starter kit.
To use the code on the sign up page, click 'Have a coupon?' and type in the code STRONG. Click Apply. Then make sure the price changes to $62.90 before submitting your order.